Brunswick Stew

2 1/2 lbs. squirrel cut into pieces
2 1/2 lbs. Pork – cut into stew sized chunks
1/4 cup of shortening
1 small onion chopped
2 cups skinless stewed tomatoes cut into large pieces
3 cups lima beans
1 cup of water
1 chili pepper – chopped and seeded
2 cloves
3 cups of corn – drained
2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce
1 cup of unseasoned breadcrumbs


Large sauce pan with cover


Heat shortening in sauce pan, brown the meat on all sides. Remove meat and place on paper towel to drain. In the sauce pan add onions and saut̩ until translucent (I personally like the onions browned). Take the onions out. Drain shortening from sauce pan and add the 1 cup of water, scrap all meat bits then add tomatoes, lima beans, chili pepper, onions, meat and cloves. Cover and simmer until meat is good and tender. At this point add the 3 cups of corn and any water if needed and simmer for another 15 minutes. Add Worcestershire sauce and take a taste Рadd salt and pepper if necessary.

The whole process should take between 3 – 4 hours.