Roasted Pepper Recipe

Roasted Pepper

This roasted pepper recipe isĀ a great starting point for many Italian side dishes. Try layering the roasted peppers with minced garlic, breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese.


1 large pepper – most commonly a bell pepper but hot peppers work well too
1 teaspoon of olive oil


This is a very simple recipe. You can use a gas stove burner or a barbecue grill even the broiler in an oven. If you use a stove burner, turn it on medium. Give it a few minutes to heat up. Take the olive oil and lightly coat the pepper and then place the pepper right over the flame, be careful, if the flame begins to flare up pull from the burner. Let the skin begin to burn. You will see the skin turn black, that is perfect. The trick is to not over cook. As a section burns turn the pepper to cook another section.

Once you have cooked the entire pepper it should be soft and burnt all around, pull it off the burner and immediately place it in a paper bag and then close the bag to seal up the pepper. This will allow the pepper to finish the cooking process and steam at the same time. Give the pepper about 15 minutes to finish cooking and cooling.

Now you just open the paper bag, take out the pepper and place on a cutting board. With a sharp knife, scrape the burnt skin off the pepper. Once complete, cut off the top of the pepper and slice in half length wise. Scrape out the seeds and the pith. You now have roasted pepper.

A great way to eat is to add to salads or just sprinkle with an Italian dressing and enjoy.

Look at other pepperĀ recipes