Sautéed Chicken with Walnuts


2 medium chickens
Lemon juice
½ cup butter
4 shallots finely chopped
½ cup dry white wine
2/3 cup walnut meats lightly roasted and salted


Large Skillet

Cooking Directions:

Cut chicken into serving pieces, sprinkle them with salt and pepper to taste and rub the skins with lemon juice. Melt butter in a large skillet. When the butter is hot and bubbly but not brown, add the chicken pieces, skin side down, and sauté them slowly until the skin is golden brown.

When the skin side of the chicken is browned, add shallots and sauté them for 2-3 minutes. Add white wine and cook the chicken, covered, until it is tender. For the last 5 minutes of cooking time add walnut meats, lightly roasted and salted. Transfer the chicken to a heated serving platter and pour the sauce over it, adding a little more white wine, if necessary.