Category Archives: Wildlife

Canada goose – Branta canadensis

Canada Goose


Specialized for plant feeding. Aggressive behavior during mating season These birds feed mainly on plant material. When feeding in water, they submerge their heads and necks to reach aquatic plants, sometimes Like most geese, the Canada goose is naturally migratory with the wintering range being most of the tipping forward like a dabbling duck. Flocks of these birds often feed on leftover cultivated grains in fields, especially during migration or in winter.

During the second year of their lives, Canada Geese find themselves a mate. Most couples stay together all of their lives. If one is killed, the other may find a new mate. The female lays 4-8 eggs and both parents protect the nest while the eggs incubate, but the female spends more time at the nest than the male. During that time, they lose their flight feathers, so that they cannot fly until after their eggs hatch. This period lasts for 25-28 days.

Adult geese are often seen leading their goslings in a line, usually wThe Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) belongs to the Branta genus of geeseith one parent at the front, and the other at the back of the “parade”. While protecting their young, parents often violently chase away nearby creatures, from small blackbirds to other geese, to humans that approach, after warning them by giving off a hissing sound. However, geese may form groups of a number of goslings and a few adults, called crèches. The young do not leave their parents until after the spring migration, when they return to their birthplace.

This well-known species is native to North America. It breeds in Canada and the northern United States in a variety of habitats. However, the nest is usually located in an elevated area near water, sometimes on a beaver lodge. The eggs are laid in a shallow depression lined with plant material and down. The Great Lakes region maintains a very large population of Canada Geese.

Like most geese, the Canada goose is naturally migratory with the wintering range being most of the United States. The calls overhead from large groups of Canada Geese flying in V-shaped formation signal the transitions into spring and autumn. In some areas, migration routes have changed due to changes in habitat and food sources. In mild climates, such as the Pacific Northwest, due to a lack of former predators, some of the population has become non-migratory.

Non-migratory Canada Goose populations have been on the increase. They are suspected of being a cause of an increase in high fecal coliforms at State Park beaches. This has led to extended hunting seasons and the use of noise makers in an attempt to disrupt suspect flocks over the course of several years.


Yellow plumage of gosling. The black head and neck with white “chinstrap” distinguish this goose from all canada geese feed mainly on plant materialexcept the Barnacle Goose, but the latter has a black breast, and grey, rather than brownish, body plumage. There are seven subspecies of this bird, of varying sizes and plumage details, but all are recognizable as Canada Geese. Some are hard to distinguish from the Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii), with which the Canada Goose was long assumed to form one species; the name Lesser Canada Goose is, confusingly, often applied to B. hutchinsii.

This species is 90-100 cm long with a 160-175 cm wing span. Males weigh 3.5–6.5 kg, (8–14 pounds), and can be very aggressive in defending territory. The female looks virtually identical but is slightly lighter at 3–5.5 kg (7–12 pounds), and has a different honk. Exceptionally, weights of 11.3 kg (25 pounds) and a wingspan of 224 cm (88 inches) have been recorded in the largest race.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bufflehead – Bucephala albeola



The Bufflehead is the smallest North American diving duck. As of 2010 their population is steady. The Bufflehead nests in holes excavated by by other birds and often time by Northern Flickers


Bufflehead eggs are creamy-buff colored. The chicks hatch in approximately 29 – 31 days and fledge in 50 50 days.

Many Buffleheads are taken by hunters incidentally by hunters. These birds have a dark meat that can be strong tasting.


Adults are approximately 13″ – 16″ long with a wingspan of 24″.
Male  are black and white, with iridescent green and purple heads with a large white patch behind the eye.
Females are grey-toned with a smaller white patch behind the eye and a light underside


Breeds along freshwater ponds, slow rivers and small lakes. The picture was taken of a Bufflehead on the Mohawk River just outside of Schenectady, NY.


Buffleheads breed in much of Alaska, Canada and the Northwestern USA. Ninety percent of the population is believed to breed from Manitoba westward. When Buffleheads migrate they winter in coastal waters or open inland waters on the either coast of North America and the southern United States into Mexico.


The bird’s diet consists largely of fish and invertebrates with a lesser amount of plant material.

American Widgeon – Anas americana

American Widgeon

General: The American Widgeon is sometimes called a “Baldpate” American Widgeonbecause the white stripe resembles a bald man’s head. The population declined in the 1980’s as a result of drought. Since then they have steadily increased in numbers.
The American Widgeon builds its nest near water. The eggs are creamy white. The chicks hatch in 23-25 days and fledge in 37-48 days.
This bird is known to wait at the surface and steal vegetation from diving ducks as they surface.
Hunters enjoy hunting this dabbling duck, its meat is considered excellent.

Identification: The Widgeon is a decent sized bird roughly 18″ – 23″ with a wingspan of 34″.

The American Widgeon drake has a deep green streak running from its eye to the back of its head. The top of its head is white. its lower face and neck are streaked gray. The back, side and chest are pinkish-brown. In flight the male displays white shoulder patches.

Female and Juveniles: Head appears grayish overall, with finely-blended white and dusky streaks. Breast and flanks are pale reddish-brown; mantle is grayish-brown with some buff barring. Bill is small and grayish, with a black tip.

The American Widgeon is larger than a teal but smaller than a pintail, it’s a medium-size bird, In silhouette, the widgeon can be distinguished from other dabblers by its round head, short neck, and small bill

Habitat: American Widgeons can be found near and on marshes, ponds and shallow lakes. The Pictures here were taken in Spring during their migration north on the Mohawk River in Central New York. They had been feeding in a mowed corn field along with Mallards and Canada Geese.

Territory: Summers throughout most of Canada, Alaska, and the northern third of the United States. Winters along the North American coasts, the southern third of the United States, and Central America.

Diet: American Widgeons eat mostly aquatic plants, upland grasses and legumes. They also eat some insects and mollusks. The American Widgeon’s eats more vegetation than other dabbling ducks.

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow


White-throated sparrows are fairly common species. They are fairly abundant and their range is substantial. Compared to many migratory bird populations white-throated sparrow numbers appear to be comparatively stable.

White-throated SparrowThe White-throated Sparrow The White-throated Sparrow comes in two color forms: white-crowned and tan-crowned. What is interesting is that individuals almost always mate with a bird of the opposite coloration. Additionally, both male and female white-stripe birds are more aggressive than the tan-stripe birds.

White-throated sparrows nest either on the ground under shrubs or low in trees. Their eggs are approximately .7″ and  are pale-green flecked with brown. The chicks hatch in about 11 – 14 days and fledge in 7 – 12 days. The White-throated Sparrow The White-throated Sparrow and the Dark-eyed Junco occasionally mate and produce hybrids.


The White-throated Sparrow is a large, full-bodied sparrow, roughly 6″ – 7″, with a fairly prominent bill, rounded head, long legs, and long, narrow tail.
White-throated Sparrows are brown above and gray below with a striking head pattern. They have a black-and-white-striped head and a bright white throat and yellow between the eye and the gray bill.


Woodlands, forest edges, residential areas, shelterbelts In the northeastern U.S. and across most of Canada, white-throated sparrows breed in semi-open coniferous and mixed forests that are regenerating following logging, fires, or insect damage, and where secondary growth provides a low, dense understory.
White-throated SparrowTerritory: Found in their summer range from Alaska to Newfoundland, New England, the Great Lakes Region, and much of Canada. It migrates in the southeastern third of the United States.


They mainly eat seeds, insects and berries. They are frequent visitors to bird feeders and can be seen on the ground searching for seeds that have fallen.

Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter
The Audubon Society – Field Guide to North American Birds (Eastern Region)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Killdeer – Charadrius vociferus

Killdeer – Charadrius vociferus

The Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) is a medium-sized plover. The attached pictures of a Killdeer and its nest were taken at SUNY Geneseo.

Adults have a brown back and wings, a white belly, and a white breast with two black bands. The rump is tawny orange. The face and cap are brown with a white forehead. They have an orange-red eyering. Tail extends beyond wing tips at rest. Sexes are similar in appearance. The chicks are Killdeer – Charadrius vociferuspatterned almost identically to the adults, and are precocial — able to move around right after hatching.killdeer

Their breeding habitat is open fields or lawns, often quite far from water, across most of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. They nest on the ground in an open area with a clear line of sight, or on a gravel roof.

They are migratory in northern areas and winter as far south as northern South America. They are rare vagrants to western Europe, usually late in the year.

These birds forage for food in fields, mudflats, and shores, usually by sight. They mainly eat insects.

Their name comes from their frequently heard call.

killdeer eggsThese birds will frequently use the “broken-wing act” to distract predators from their nests. This involves the bird walking  away from its nesting area holding its wing in a position that simulates an injury and then flapping around on the ground emitting a distress call. The predators then think they have easy prey and are attracted to this seemingly injured bird and away from the nest. Killdeer have an average length of 8 inches

Similar species – all other plovers lack the two black breastbands. Very young Killdeer have a single breastband and could be confused with Piping, Wilson’s, Snowy or Semipalmated Plovers, but are usually still downy, have black bills (any Piping or Semipalmated Plover having a breastband will also have an orange bill with a black tip), and are colored above like the adult (eliminating the paler Piping and Snowy).

Killdeer Charadrius vociferus – USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter

Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis

Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis


Lesser Scaup are often hard to distinguish from the Greater Scaup when viewed at a distance and when a large scaup flock is encountered it will often have both species present. Although the Lesser Scaup has Lesser Scaupthe largest population of any species of diving duck in North America, their population has been steadily declining since the mid-1980slesser scaup male

The eggs of the Lesser Scaup are olive colored. The chicks hatch in about 21-28 days and they fledge in about 45-50 days. Lesser Scaup chicks are capable of diving under water on their hatching day, but they are too buoyant to stay under for more than just a moment.

The meat of the Lesser Scaup should be considered good. It is one of the better eating diving ducks.


Male: The males are about 12″ long with a wingspan of 29″. The have a glossy black head with a purple cast (Greater Scaup’s head has a more green cast). The neck, breast and upper mantle are glossy black. Vermiculations on the sides and flanks are olive brown and contrast with the white chest and belly. The back is light gray with broad heavy vermiculations of sooty black. The tail, upper and under-tail coverts are black. The wing has a white speculum and the inner primaries are light brown, becoming darker towards the tips and outer primaries. The bill is a light blue-gray with a black tip, the legs and feet are gray and the iris is yellow.

lesser scaup femaleFemale: The female has a brownish head, neck and chest. A white ring circles the base of the bill. The back, rump are dark brown and the speculum is white. The bill is similar to that of the male but slightly duller, the legs and feet are gray and the iris is yellow.


Lesser Scaupnest near prairie marshes, ponds, lakes and slow rivers, In winter range the can be found on coastal bays and larger lakes


The Lesser Scaup breeds from interior Alaska and Northern Canada to the prairie states and east. They migrate south to British Columbia and Massachusetts south to the Gulf states and South America.


Lesser Scaup feed on seeds of pondweeds, wigeon grass, wild rice, sedges and bulrushes. They also feed on crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic insects and small fish.